
Skilled engineers are always in high demand in every major industry around the world. Earning your engineering degree from Hardin-Simmons University will prepare you to enter this ever-growing field with the skills, 想象力, 用知识塑造未来.

Our student-centered engineering degrees combine theory with hands-on learning to provide a well-balanced educational experience to ensure that you’ll stand out in job interviews and in the workplace. HSU’s engineering majors are highly sought after in Central Texas and beyond for their adaptability, 创造力, 以及丰富的经验.

Whether you’re just starting your college career or are a high school senior looking for dual credits, earn your bachelor’s degree in engineering from Hardin-Simmons University and start designing and creating the next engineering marvels.


机械工程是一门非常多样化的学科, 动态, and exciting field that is at the forefront of developing new technologies for several industries, 包括卫生保健, 能源, 制造业, 和机器人. The Mechanical 工程 Program at HSU will offer a superb engineering education within an environment that fosters 创造力 and innovation.

The Mechanical 工程 Program intends to have an optional biomedical specialization and partner with the school’s already existing Department of Physical Therapy and health services programs. Completion of the biomedical-focused degree ensures that students meet the requirements for admission to medical or dental school, while at the same time satisfying the requirements for a degree in mechanical engineering.



Dr. 马特·杰克逊

Dean, Holland School of Sciences and Mathematics; Professor of 工程



Why Earn Your Bachelor’s Degree in 工程 at Hardin-Simmons?



作为威尼斯人网上赌场工程专业的学生, you’ll graduate with extensive experience working with state-of-the-art equipment and software you’ll use throughout your career. You’ll also have many opportunities for advanced internships and a capstone project in which you’ll design and build a real product on campus, giving you real-world experience and meaningful stories to tell during job interviews.



多亏了我们的小班教学, you’ll get to work closely with our highly skilled engineering program faculty, who will advise you from your first day to graduation and beyond. Our faculty have years of experience teaching in the classroom and working as professionals, so they’ll help you connect the knowledge you gain in the classroom to the real-world.



We believe in building a welcoming community of likeminded engineering majors who can help one another and succeed as a team. We host an 工程 Club to help you make personal and professional connections that will last a lifetime.


工程师在各种各样的环境中工作, 包括私人和非营利组织, 政府机构, 以及研究设施, 这里仅举几个例子. 拥有HSU机械工程学位, you’ll be given the tools you need to pursue careers in some of the most important fields for the future, 比如机器人, 清洁能源, 自动驾驶汽车. Our graduates are also uniquely prepared to continue their education in graduate programs to hone their unique skills.

德州劳动力委员会预测到2026年, in-state demand for mechanical engineers will grow by more than 3,000个职位, 增幅超过18%! As we continue to rely on increasingly complex technology, engineers wills be needed more than ever.


  • 项目管理
  • 结构设计
  • 汽车工程
  • 航空航天设计
  • 生物医学工程
  • 石油工程


根据美国.S. 劳工统计局, the average salary for professionals with a bachelor’s degree in engineering is $90,000, significantly higher than the national average for other occupations.


The Mechanical 工程 curriculum is constructed to fulfill all requirements specified by ABET.  除了所需的工程, 数学, 还有科学课程, students will be engaged in the robust liberal arts education that is distinctive to HSU.  In total, the program is 127 hours and is designed to be a traditional 4-year bachelor’s degree.

Course Schedule Example for Mechanical 工程 Degree


非工程类课程已列入目录 学期的时间
理学士核心 52
  微积分I* 4
  数学1421微积分II* 4
  数学2320微积分3 3
  数学2321微分方程 3
  数学3312统计方法 3
  数学高级选修课 3
  1320年的今天 & 1120科学家物理学 &工程师I与实验室* 4
  1321年的今天 & 1121科学家物理学 &二级工程师与实验室* 4
  化学1410一般化学I与实验室* 4
  CSCI 1370 Python应用程序设计 3
B级以上部门要求.S. 核心 18

*也满足B的要求.S. 核心

工程 & 机械工程课程 学期的时间
工程概论 3
工程制图 3
机械计算分析 1
ENGR 2301静力学 3
engr2302动力学 3
通用电气工程 3
工程经济学 3
材料科学 3
ENGR 2332固体力学 3
MENG 3310 & 控制 3
MENG 3320热力学 3
MENG 3330流体力学 3
高级力学与设计 4
MENG 4310振动 & 运动学 3
MENG 4381 ME Design I 3
MENG 4382 ME设计II 3
MENG 4420传热 4
MENG选修课(2) 6
总工程时数 57
总学时 127


You’ve chosen to dedicate your education and career to building a better future, 没有什么能阻止你实现这个目标, 尤其是你的教育费用. 幸运的是, the engineering program has been blessed with many charitable donors who make it possible for us to offer scholarships exclusively to engineering majors. 你也可能有资格获得一般经济援助. Learn more about scholarships at Hardin-Simmons University.

If you’re considering earning a bachelor’s degree in engineering, you may also be interested in learning more about similar programs at Hardin-Simmons University, 包括:

数学(B.A., B.S.)


生物学(B.A., B.S.)

计算机科学(B).A., B.B.S., B.S.)